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link exchange banners and text
link exchanges
if you would like to appear in our links directory, we love to exchange links with related web sites. please place one of our banners or text links on your site and send us the URL where we can take a look and the information we will need to link back to you: [email protected]
Static Banner
To download this banner:
Right click on the banner above
In Explorer: right click and select "Save Picture As"
In Netscape: right click and select "Save Image As"
Save the banner to your site and use the code above to run it.
Animated Banner
To download this banner:
Right click on the banner above
In Explorer: right click and select "Save Picture As"
In Netscape: right click and select "Save Image As"
Save the banner to your site and use the code above to run it.
Static Banner
To download this banner:
Right click on the banner above
In Explorer: right click and select "Save Picture As"
In Netscape: right click and select "Save Image As"
Save the banner to your site and use the code above to run it.
Flash Banner
Special instructions for downloading this flash banner:
Right click on the red link below
In Explorer: right click and select "Save Target As"
In Netscape: right click and select "Save Link As"